Results for 'Jordi Maiso Blasco'

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  1. Modernidad como desmitologización: Theodor W. Adorno y la verdad en arte como praxis artística y teoría estética.Jordi Maiso Blasco - 2005 - In Antonio Notario Ruiz (ed.), Contrapuntos estéticos. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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    Emancipación o barbarie en la música. Los orígenes de la Teoría Crítica de Th. W. Adorno en sus escritos musicales tempranos. [REVIEW]Jordi Maiso Blasco - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 65:21.
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    “Ser devorado no duele”. Th. W. Adorno y la experiencia americana.Jordi Maiso - 2009 - Arbor 185 (739):963-975.
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  4. Capitalismo, cultura y promesas de felicidad.Jordi Maiso - 2019 - In Blanca Fernández García & Antonio Gómez L.-Quiñones (eds.), La lupa roja: ensayos sobre hermenéutica y marxismo. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Teseo.
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    Desde la vida dañada: la teoría crítica de Theodor W. Adorno.Jordi Maiso - 2022 - Tres Cantos, Madrid: Siglo XXI España.
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    Crítica de la economía política, más allá del marxismo tradicional: Moishe Postone y Robert Kurz.Jordi Maiso & Eduardo Maura - 2014 - Isegoría 50:269-284.
    El presente texto pretende presentar dos propuestas de actualización de la crítica de la economía política marxiana: las de Moishe Postone y Robert Kurz. Sus planteamientos, gestados a partir de los años ochenta, ofrecen claves para superar las insuficiencias del marxismo tradicional y abren perspectivas fructíferas para actualizar la teoría crítica. Partiendo de una reinterpretación común de las categorías de Marx, ambos autores presentan sin embargo diagnósticos diferentes: mientras Postone incide en cómo el capitalismo origina la posibilidad de un nuevo (...)
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    «Fuera de lugar»: Roberto Schwarz y la centralidad de la experiencia periférica.Jordi Maiso - 2020 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 11 (2):119-135.
    This article analyses Roberto Schwarz’s contributions to understanding the significance of Brazilian culture in relation to the way in which it is embedded in the dynamics of global capitalism. At first, it analyses to what extent his approach to Latin American culture can be understood as a dialectical alternative to postcolonial and subaltern studies. Then, based on his analysis of the intertwining of artistic form and social reality, it focuses on how Schwarz reveals the significance of Machado de Assis’ late (...)
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  8. Perspectivas sobre la justicia.David Rodríguez-Arias, Catherine Heeney & Jordi Maiso (eds.) - 2016 - Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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    Jordi Maiso, Desde la vida dañada, Editorial Siglo XXI, Madrid, 2022.Sofía Tamir - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):659-661.
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    Singular Terms in Fiction. Fictional and “Real” Names (III Blasco Disputatio).Jordi Valor Abad - 2019 - Disputatio 11 (54):111-142.
    In this introduction, I consider different problems posed by the use of singular terms in fiction (section 1), paying especial attention to proper names and, in particular, to names of real people, places, etc. As we will see (section 2), descriptivist and Millian theories of reference face different kinds of problems in explaining the use of fictional names in fiction-related contexts. Moreover, the task of advancing a uniform account of names in these contexts—an account which deals not only with fictional (...)
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    Maiso, Jordi (2022). Desde la vida dañada. La teoría crítica de Theodor W. Adorno. Siglo XXI Editores. 352 páginas.Zoe Pereira González - 2023 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12 (2):307-309.
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  12. (5 other versions)Now published: Volume VIII, Number 43, November 2016. Includes the 1st Blasco Disputatio: Pragmatism, edited by Josep E. Corbí and Jordi Valor. [REVIEW] Admin - forthcoming - Disputatio.
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    Jordi Maragall, Eugenio Trías: conversa.Jordi Maragall I. Noble & Eugenio Trâias - 1988 - [Barcelona]: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Edited by Eugenio Trías.
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    Jordi Gol i Gurina, 1924-1985: els grans temes d'un pensament i d'una vida.Jordi Gol - 1986 - Barcelona: Llar del Llibre. Edited by Josep Bigordà.
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  15. Memory: A Self-Referential Account.Jordi Fernández - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a philosophical account of memory. Memory is remarkably interesting from a philosophical point of view. Our memories interact with mental states of other types in a characteristic way. They also have some associated feelings that other mental states lack. Our memories are special in terms of their representational capacity too, since we can have memories of objective events, and we can have memories of our own past experiences. Finally, our memories are epistemically special, in that beliefs formed (...)
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    Jordi Maragall, Eugenio Trías: conversa.Jordi Maragall I. Noble - 1988 - [Barcelona]: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Edited by Eugenio Trías.
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  17. Objects of Memory.Jordi Fernandez - 2009 - In Hal Pashler (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Mind. Sage Publications.
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    Otto Neurath.Jordi Cat - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 38.
    Four distinguished authors have been brought together to produce this elegant study of a much-neglected figure. The book is divided into three sections: Neurath's biographical background and the economic and social context of his ideas; his theory of science; and the development of his role in debates on Marxist concepts of history and his own conception of science. Coinciding with the emerging serious interest in logical positivism, this timely publication will redress a current imbalance in the history and philosophy of (...)
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  19.  21
    Leadership in Economy of Communion Companies. Contribution to the Common Good through Innovation.Ma Asunción Esteso-Blasco, María Gil-Marqués & Juan Sapena - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):77-101.
    Innovation is strongly associated with survival and growth of all kind of organizations in a global competitive economy. Moreover, nowadays companies are increasingly questioned on how they deliver innovative solutions to deep-seated problems, such as poverty. Our research aims to understand how Economy of Communion companies respond to this challenge by applying the logic of gratuitousness and giving. This paper examines the altruistic behaviour of EoC leaders and the connection with organizational innovation, necessary for firm’s survival in the long-term. We (...)
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  20. The functional character of memory.Jordi Fernandez - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin (eds.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 52-72.
    The purpose of this chapter is to determine what is to remember something, as opposed to imagining it, perceiving it, or introspecting it. What does it take for a mental state to qualify as remembering, or having a memory of, something? The main issue to be addressed is therefore a metaphysical one. It is the issue of determining which features those mental states which qualify as memories typically enjoy, and those states which do not qualify as such typically lack. In (...)
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  21. Razón y análisis.J. L. Blasco - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):15-29.
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  22. Un mundo inseguro: usos y abusos de la inseguridad.José María Tortosa Blasco - 2004 - Aposta 10:1.
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  23. La audiencia infantil de televisión en España. Ni tan escasa ni tan uniforme.Jordi Busquet, Alejandro Perales & Pedro Reinares - 2009 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 81:129-141.
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  24. Discourse ethics and the posibility of impartial universalim.Jordy Rocheleau - 2005 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 40 (85):153-178.
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  25. ¿Por qué motivos crearemos máquinas emocionales?Jordi Vallverdú I. Segura - 2007 - Astrolabio 5:44-52.
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  26. Intentional objects of memory.Jordi Fernandez - 2017 - In Sven Bernecker & Kourken Michaelian (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 88-100.
    Memories are mental states with a number of interesting features. One of those features seems to be their having an intentional object. After all, we commonly say that memories are about things, and that a subject represents the world in a certain way by virtue of remembering something. It is unclear, however, what sorts of entities constitute the intentional objects of memory. In particular, it is not clear whether those are mind-independent entities in the world or whether they are mental (...)
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    La Economía Social: su función económica y las políticas públicas de fomento.Aurelio Herrero-Blasco - 2014 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 15:77-91.
    El propósito u objeto de este artículo es resaltar la importancia que la Economía Social tiene y su papel fundamental a nivel de motor económico porque : distribuye de forma más igualitaria la renta y la riqueza, contribuye al desarrollo económico endógeno, incrementa la autonomía de los territorios, corrige los desequilibrios del mercado de trabajo, oferta más servicios de bienestar social, ayuda a la estabilidad económica y hace que el desarrollo económico sea sostenible. Así mismo, una vez justificada la importancia (...)
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  28. (1 other version)The Later Wittgenstein on Expressive Moral Judgements.Jordi Fairhurst - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    This paper shows that Wittgenstein's later explorations of the meaning of expressive moral judgements reach far deeper than has so far been noticed. It is argued that an adequate description of the meaning of expressive moral judgements requires engaging in a grammatical investigation that focuses on three interwoven components within specific language-games. First, the ethical reactions expressed by moral words and the additional purpose they may fulfil. Second, the features of the actions which are bound up with moral words and (...)
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    The ethical significance of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.Jordi Fairhurst - 2021 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2 (40):151-168.
    This paper studies the ethical significance of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus. First, I elucidate what Wittgenstein means by the point of the book being ethical. I defend that the ethical point and significance of the Tractatus is to delimit the ethical and, thereby, show or make manifest what it is to live a good ethical life. Second, I study how the correct method of philosophy propounded by the Tractatus contributes to ethics and the attainment of the good ethical life. I (...)
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    Ensayo de una concepción histórica de la filosofía.Pedro Luis Blasco Aznar - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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  31. Fundamentos psicológicos de la socialidad y la cultura humanas, y la importancia para su caracterización en otras especies.Jordi Mundó Blanch - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 9 (19):173-178.
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  32. Las ayudas públicas a la prensa de las Comunidades Autónomas españolas en 2007: tipología, cuantía de las subvenciones y sistemas de adjudicación.José Joaquín Blasco Gil - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 75:95-103.
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    Wittgenstein: Filosofía del lenguaje.Josep-Lluís Blasco - 1971 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 34:55-66.
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  34. Fuzzy-set representation and processing of fuzzy images: non-linguistic vagueness as representation, approximation and scientific practice.Jordi Cat - 2015 - Archives for the Philosophy and History of Soft Computing 2015 (1).
    This is the first part of a two-part paper in which I conclude the process, initiated elsewhere, of tracking objective conditions of vagueness of representation from language to pictures, from philosophy to imaging science, from vagueness to approximation, from representation to reasoning, with a focus on the application of fuzzy set theory and its challenges.
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  35. Xavier Zubiri, amigo de la luz, maestro en la penumbra, vocación, vida intelectual y magisterio filosófico.Jordi Corominas & Joan Albert Vicens Folgueira - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:7-94.
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    desvíos habitables en conversación con Cees Nooteboom.Jordi Doce & Esther Ramón - 2011 - Minerva: Evidence-Based Medicine pour la première ligne 4 (16):61-66.
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  37. Artrosis en mascotas.Jordi Flores - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.), Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 24--229.
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    Dependences between logic and community: Philosophical implications of Peirce's categories for Praxis.Jordi Graupera - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):179.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the possible implications of Peirce's categories for a project of a community. In order to do so, I will start by analysing the first formulation of these categories in Peirce's early writings, and then I will compare them with their later formulations. Thus, we will see some their most important characteristics, namely, their universality and their dynamism, which will allow for a particular understanding of the role that logic can play in his (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: patience de l'action.Jordi Carmona Hurtado - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce livre est une tentative de remémoration d'une situation politique précise, celle qui se déclencha à Madrid, le 15 mai 2011, situation qui demeure incompréhensible tant qu'on ne la relie pas à une séquence plus large, celle des révoltes et révolutions dans plusieurs pays arabes, suivies, de par le monde, par les différentes vagues à d'Occupy. Cet essai voudrait constituer un témoignage, attentif aux faits, de ce monde d'assemblées et d'occupations des places en référence à l'oeuvre d'Hannah Arendt. De cette (...)
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    Record de Joaquim Xirau.Maragall I. Mira Jordi - 1968 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 26:115-122.
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    Humans, tanmateix.Jordi Llimona - 1973 - Barcelona: Editorial Pòrtic.
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    (1 other version)Sempre nòmades.Jordi Llimona - 1970 - Barcelona: Edicions 62.
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  43. Traducción: John Toland y la lucha del filósofo contra la superstición y la ignorancia." Cartas a Serena. Carta I".Jordi Morillas - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 49:175-194.
  44. Fundamentos psicológicos de la socialidad y la cultura humanas, y la importancia para su caracterización en otras especies.Jordi Mundó - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 11 (19):173-178.
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  45. El liberalismo en el pensamiento de Jacques Maritain.Jordi Giró I. París - 1998 - Diálogo Filosófico 42:347-358.
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  46. El impacto de las nuevas políticas de seguridad vial sobre la conducta de los conductores.Jordi Tena Sánchez - 2013 - Aposta 57:3.
    La evidencia empírica disponible señala de manera unánime que las nuevas políticas de tráfico y seguridad vial aplicadas en España desde 2004, y en particular la introducción del carné por puntos y la reforma del Código Penal, han tenido una fuerte incidencia positiva en la reducción de la siniestralidad. De dichos resultados se deriva que las nuevas políticas han tenido también un efecto positivo sobre la conducta de los conductores, de modo que ha sido esa mejora en la conducta al (...)
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    Platón en Alemania. Reflexiones en torno a la recepción de la doctrina platónica de las ideas en Kant y Wieland.Miquel Solans Blasco - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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    Saber, principios y deliberación. Una interpretación del saber moral en el «Critón» de Platón.Miquel Solans Blasco - 2020 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (288):5-29.
    Este trabajo analiza los elementos centrales de la concepción platónica del saber moral en el diálogo Critón. En primer lugar, se examina la caracterización del saber moral que Sócrates se atribuye a sí mismo en la Apología, con el objetivo de ofrecer un marco conceptual de referencia en el que situar el saber moral socrático tal y como es presentado en el Critón. El siguiente epígrafe está dedicado al estudio de los principios prácticos introducidos por Sócrates en su respuesta a (...)
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    Problems in Pleasants' Wittgensteinian Idea of Basic Moral Certainties.Jordi Fairhurst - 2019 - Ethical Perspectives 26 (2):271-298.
    Pleasants argues in favour of the idea of basic moral certainties. Analogous to Wittgenstein’s basic empirical certainties, basic moral certainties are universal certainties that cannot be justified, asserted or meaningfully doubted. They are a fundamental condition of morality as such, thus allowing us to carry out other moral operations. Brice and Rummens have criticized Pleasants’ proposal, arguing that basic moral certainties are significantly disanalogous to Wittgenstein’s basic empirical certainties. Brice argues that Pleasants does not differentiate between a bottom-up and a (...)
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    Memory.Jordi Fernández - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 432–443.
    This chapter discusses interesting connections that hold between time and memory. It helps to pull temporal aspects of memory apart, and to tries to clarify them. Discussions in the chapter focus on memory for events, concentrating on a specific kind of memory for events, the “episodic” memory. The chapter first addresses a question on the metaphysics of memory. Then, it tries to specify which conditions an experience must fulfill in order to count as a memory experience. Next, the chapter tries (...)
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